Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'm officially going to Germany!

Ich Gehe auf Deutschland!! und ich spreche nicht Deutsche!
I'm totally going to try to buff up my German, cause I want to be at least somewhat functional in the language at some point.
it's official because I bought the tickets online today. I leave Thursday June 7th at midnight almost and I don't get back until 6pmish on the 25th!
I'm flying to London and then on a different airline to Berlin. So much excitement!!!

I was so impressed - no more than 5 minutes after I bought my tickets, my credit card company called me to verify the purchases. That's what I call efficiency!

Other good news, I have some work for a short period this month. I will be doing some campaign phoning starting next monday evening. Minimal time commitment meaning minimal money coming in, but that's alright.

It's so exciting looking at my schedule, I have things for work coming up this month, shows to see, Dance Festival, I'm having my ensemble record that piece I wrote, and one of those wonderful Diabetes Dinners I love!
Then I have a few weeks of nothing (maybe good composition time) then my grad dinner and ceremony and then BAM! I'm off to Germany! When I get back, rehearsals for Hair will be in the works and soon after I will be playing for a musical theater camp, once that and Hair are done, we're in August already! This summer is going to go by so quickly!



Anonymous said...

Just remember home is where the heart is.

Mai said...

wow, your summer plan sounds so amazing!!! I'm jealous.
here is my summer plan:
1. work
2. work
3. work
4. doll?