Saturday, May 07, 2011

finally feeling like a composer

2 things have played a prominent role in leading me to where I am right now:

1) Deadlines - I know I've talked about my need for them here before, so I won't bore you. Especially in this last month, I've had nothing but deadlines, and they've left me little time for relaxing.

B) At one point this year, my teacher said some blunt things that really put it all into perspective. He said, 'You can't call yourself a composer unless you compose,' and then asked me if the act of composing was really a defining feature of my existence.
It wasn't.
Now it is.

In the span of a week, I wrote an art song. While this is not record speed for most composers, this was unprecedentedly fast for me. It was intense, but I'm happy with what I wrote and looking forward to rehearsals and the performance in June!
I am five days into the span of two weeks during which I will be writing about ten minutes of opera.

I don't want to sound too cliché, but I don't understand how I considered myself a composer before. I'm now invested in this, and I plan to stay that way!


Tiffy said...

This is very exciting news! That was some very good advice your professor gave you - I suppose in the same way I cannot be considered a researcher if my existence does not hinge on researching. It really puts things into perspective. Glad to hear all is well!

Michael Park said...

Thanks Tiffy!
Imagine my surprise when a non-spammer commented on my blog, and then my delight when it was you!
It's great to hear from you!