Sunday, June 13, 2010

Milestones and Complaints!

Some important milestones are coming up:

1) This is post #984 ish. Only fifteen more and then it's the big One Thousand!
B) In August, I'll be celebrating the fifth anniversary of this here blog.

Please feel free to leave me some comments on how I should mark either of these momentous occasions.

Over the last month or so, I've become involved with the 2010 Vancouver Complaints Choir. The Complaints Choir project is pretty spiffy and has quite a following. Basically, complaints are gathered from a region, a local songwriter turns those complaints into music and then a choir is organized to perform the song. Do click for more information - it's a fascinating project!

The 2010 Vancouver Complaints Choir will be performing the 10-minute song by Veda Hille tomorrow at various locations in downtown Vancouver at 1, 2, 3, and 4pm. CBC One came by to do some interviews and a recording at one of our rehearsals and it will be aired at 8am Pacific time, tomorrow morning (10 am in Winnipeg, 11 am in Ontario). I was one of the people that she interviewed a little more in depth, so you might hear glimpses of me on the airwaves. I did say, "mumbly", and I was unorganized with my thoughts, but if you're reading on here, you should be used to that. I haven't decided if I even want to be subjected to listening to myself in 6 hours, but I'll set an alarm just in case.

For now, I'm off to try and fill up as much of those 6 hours with sleep as possible.

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