I've fallen in love with the strawberry flavoured black tea I'm drinking - it's amazing!
Diabetes over the trip has been interesting. I've needed less and less insulin - especially since getting to Vancouver. I might need to change my carb ratios, but there's just too much to think about to get things very organized.
ALSO, I need a reliable meter in order to make real changes.
[Time for a rant]
Who the fuck decided that measuring whole blood was a good thing?!? Especially without a reference chart! I'm not sure if they think you're actually supposed to treat these the same as plasma numbers, but they're not! I don't even know the brand of meter I've been using, but it's the medtronic sponsored one that communicates with my pump. When I first tested the meter, I noticed that my sugars were always about 2 mmol over ALL my other meters (3 of the 4 were super close, but not this one). I went through the customer support and they verified that my meter was working and that whole blood is usually higher than the previous type of testing. Long story short, I was told to just use the meter and trust what it said because they're results are more accurate than any other meter I've ever used.
The only time that meter has read under 7mmol this last week or 2 has been when I was sitting on my new kitchen floor right before chugging back a glass of orange juice, in a cold sweat and fumbling with the strips. My glucose at that moment was 4.4 (before juice). YA RIGHT!
The only reason I've been using the strips is because, moving across the country, I can't afford to waste the strips. I've been assuming that I should just add 2 to every number I get and that seems to work fine.
Anyway, I'm back on my favourite meter - I'm plugging it now - the LifeBrand blood glucose meter. It's super cheap (60% of the cost) and the meter is attached to the strip bottle and can be discarded after each use.
The only problem is the excessive amount of packaging that it comes in. You need utility scissors to open it up and then it's all jagged - basically it can save you the hassle of using a lancing device....
Ok, that's enough rambling. Good night!
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