Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I have been functioning on the principle that my body just needs more insulin while I'm sick, so everything else should be the same.

I tried to exercise at home yesterday, doing things pretty much the same as usual. I disconnected while getting ready, after testing and mu sugars are happy in the 6.3 region. Long story short, 10 minutes into the workout, I was feeling sloppy and weak so I tested. 2.8! Spilling the remainder of my fridges juice on my face and not into my mouth, I took refuge with a honey packet before heading downstairs to buy more juice (and oreos and diet coke).

I'm not sure if it's just because I have extra insulin going around inside me, or maybe it was because I had eaten and bolused for lunch only an hour or so before, but this was not a good situation.

I hate the fact that, while I want to exercise and get in shape, I seem to have an endless supply of excuses not to.
Excuses aside, I'm going to try again right now.
Eerily, I just tested and my sugars are 6.3 again. I'm going to disconnect AND eat an oreo or two and see how that works.
I'll post a little later this afternoon, maybe.

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