Sunday, September 20, 2009


I got my lab results back from early/mid September.
As usual, all of my levels are AOK except for the A1C.

I find an A1C of 8.4 to be very unsatisfying:
1) It's too high for all the effort I put in.
b) It's the exact same number I had last time! I don't even get the satisfaction of patting myself on the back for improving minimally, or self-loathing for getting worse.

It is probably the least satisfying because I've made a complete turnaround since starting the road trip in late August. I've only had one or two instances of my sugars shooting way up into the stratosphere when I change the site, compared to every time, before. I've cut my TDD nearly in half! I have to do the math, but I've been much less aggressive with my carb ratio, from 1 unit for 5 grams, to 1 unit for 7 or 8 grams of carbohydrate.
Nevertheless, these changes have only been in effect for a month, and that's not enough to significantly change the results of a three-month test. All I can do now is continue in this positive direction and hope for the best the next time around.

In other news, with the diabetes bloodwork, I also had some... err... other tests done - which all came back negative (phew)! Oddly enough, I've always romanticized the idea of going crazy from syphilis: how so many composers of the past died. Nevertheless, I suppose it is better to not die, regardless of how artistic the cause might be...

In the never-ending saga, I found out that by requesting my medical files from the doctor in London, I am no longer his patient, thus no longer eligible for Ontario coverage. The pharmacy in Ontario has indeed put my order through, thankfully. They will send it tomorrow and I will have my last free drugs until I am set up with B.C. Healthcare.
Let's hope they send enough to last until then!

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