Monday, September 14, 2009

One step close to forgetting about those exams forever.

I finally got the email about entrance exam results.

First, I point out the fact that I studied quite a bit for the history, and only a few days for the theory.

The first email read as follows,
"The following students need no remedial work in music theory:
Michael Park (DMA, composition)"
Of course, there were other students listed, but I'm glad to have been included on that list. This means I don't have to do any remedial work for theory, and it also makes me feel more confident being in the theory seminar I am currently taking.

"Michael Park: Passed Classical and 20th century areas. Needs remedial work in medieval, renaissance, baroque and romantic areas. Please contact Dr. Xxxxxx to get an assignment for medieval and/or renaissance areas, and Dr. Xxxxxxx to get an assignment for the Romantic area (OR retake the exam for the 4 defficient areas in August 2010.) "

I am not surprised at all - I think I actually predicted this outcome exactly. I'm now emailing the applicable professors to find out how much work lays ahead. Luckily, I don't have to audit a course, I might have to write as many as 4 papers, but that's much better than having to re-sit that exam - never again!

I imagine it will be a little longer before I hear back about the assignments, but I feel somewhat relieved to finally know the results.

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