Sunday, May 04, 2008

All year, I didn't really drink much. I drank sparsely and certainly not to excess - for a moment, I thought I was maturing. Alas, I haven't!
I am getting older though, and I can tell that because this morning was rather unpleasant. My stomach wasn't finished spiting me until tonight at about 6pm, when I had a granola bar.
Anyway, the wedding and social and general socializing yesterday were all delightful.

I went to a dance show tonight - they showed the film for which I wrote the music. It seemed to be much better received by those in attendance than some of my own friends to whom I showed it, haha! Not that I don't value the opinions of my friends, but they are not the ones who might be commissioning me at some point!

While this week shouldn't be as busy as last, there is still a lot to do and my schedule is once again filling up. So far, I am meeting with 2 dance professionals to talk about how they've worked with musicians - quasi research for my thesis next year. It actually is very much research, but it also doubles as a chance for me to get some suggestions and advice for my own career.


Anonymous said...

"Not that I don't value the opinions of my friends, but they are not the ones who might be commissioning me at some point!"

this is very true, but it is also true that friends often bring opportunities to you too!

Michael Park said...

Good point Mai, thanks!
I will make sure you not burn my bridges!