Thursday, October 02, 2008

I am quite enjoying having a piano in the apartment!
It is not the best instrument, but it does the job.
The action is slow and the touch is quite heavy; practicing solely on this instrument could cause some major tension issues. This piano has had a traumatic existence lately. This summer it was rebuilt - new strings and new hammers, and then it was recently moved into the apartment. Also, it is a bad time of year with changing temperatures and humidity.
I can forgive the piano though for it's shortcomings... he's over a century old! Dates aren't very specific, but the searching we've done so far dates the piano at somewhere between 1903 and 1909 ish. Pictures will come shortly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how did you even find a piano that old?
I have had rather traumatic experience with piano, so I'm glad I don't live with it anymore. hahaha.