Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm falling behind...

I'm falling behind... in my blogging, that is.
I've been doing pretty well with keeping up with my studies and all that.

The 'Michael Park and Friends' concert last week was a great success. I felt very happy with the performances, it was well attended, and from what I gather, it was well liked.

I'm currently writing a pair of songs for a choir at school. They will start working hard on them after reading break. I have one of them completed and handed in so they can look at it during the final rehearsal before break, and I'll finish the other over break.

I feel like everything in life is sorta, finally coming together.
Through Manitoba connections, I have a performance lined up for my thesis... 3.5 years down the road. It seems ridiculously early, but foresight is the key!

I've been teaching piano a lot lately - subbing for a friend. In addition, I have 3 students of my own that I teach privately, and I just got a job at a studio. Only one student to start, but it promises to start adding up - and it better; the studio is an hour away from home. The current 2 hours of travel time for half an hour of teaching seems like a bad balance... If I can get a few hours or more on one night, that would be incredibly helpful. The added income is welcomed, and becoming more of a priority!

This has been a busy, and slightly stressful, first half of the term, but next week is reading break and the Olympics. After the break, there will only be a month of class left in the first year of my DMA!

Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourself, Michael...

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