Monday, February 15, 2010

The Low that Your Body Fights!

Yesterday, I did an intense Kung Fu class. I ache from over-using muscles I didn't even know I had, haha!
Exercise effects you differently depending on intensity, but this time my sugars were elevated for the rest of the day. They had come down in the evening and before going to bed, they seemed to stabilize around 5.6 mmol. I went to bed sore from Kung Fu, but comfortable.
About an hour later, I woke up cold and my jaw was shaking, feeling kind of nauseous. I had a feeling I was low so I tested and was 5.4 - certainly not low enough for this reaction and seemed to be stable. I drank some water and readied myself for vomiting, but that just wasn't right. I tested with another machine and I was 5.7 - everything seemed stable as a mule.

Luckily, I've had this type of low before - the only reason your sugars are stable is because your body is turning its glycogen into glucose like nobody's business! This takes a LOT out of your body, so you feel horrible.
I was so tired, but I couldn't allow myself to sleep - my body couldn't keep it up; if I went to sleep, I likely wouldn't wake up.

I poured myself a glass of juice and drank it. Testing a few minutes later - 4.3 and dropping.
Long story short, I spent the next hour drinking juice and occasional granola bars. I would test every once in a while, but my sugars were staying the same. I stopped when my sugars went up to 7.5 and seemed to stay there between tests.
I must have consumed at least 150 carbs last night (likely more) to treat this massive low.

The rest of the night sucked. I woke up every few hours and I was unbelievably sore. Part of that was due to Kung Fu, but a lot of it was leftover from the toll this low took on my body.

In other news, today I bought a crock pot AND a stock pot from the local thrift shop!
I think I'm going to try my hand at a minestrone soup sometime in the next few days. There are a lot of recipes out there that seem quite different from each other, so I'd love to hear any recommendations.


Queenie said...

I hate those kind of lows. There have been times when I felt so low only to see a decent number on the machine, then start to feel worse and worse and test again to be incredibly low. It takes so much out of me, especially the next day. At least you know you got a good workout from your Kung Fu class! As far as minestrone soup goes, I love it, but don't have a recipe for it. You should post what recipe you use and rate it. I'd be interested. Good luck@

Michael Park said...

Good Idea! I'll be just like Julie and Julia, haha!
I'll keep you posted.

Queenie said...

ha ha! I totally did not think of that movie. I had one of those days today - constantly eating and the blood sugar staying low. The good thing about diabetes is that there is always tomorrow.