Thursday, September 08, 2005

Back to School today!

Well today was the first day back at school and let me tell you, it was special! I was happy to get back to a quasi almost productive atmosphere and to see all the people that I partially fell out of touch with during the summer. The situation at school is much like kindergarten, for the past two years we had all our classes together, ate lunch together, played games together... basically we were all one colelctive of music making fun. As you can imagine, after a whole 3 or 4 months of not seeing everyone every single day, there was much rejoicing and excitement in the air.
I only had one class today from 2:30-4, but it really only lasted about half an hour. For some silly reason, I was at the school by 11:26. I was intending on going to the auditions for the Opera ensemble with all the people who were to be singing there, not because I was also singing, but because it seemed like the thing to do. Nevertheless, by the time I arrived, people had already left to walk to the other side of campus. Seeing other people to catch up with, I was in no rush to head over by myself. I ended up arriving an hour late partially due to being chatty with people at the school, and partially because I didn't know exactly where I was going...
I have been to University College I think once before, but the exact location was not so clear... so I decided to take the tunnel as they would probably have signs telling you where to take the stairs to the main level of each building.... I guess I missed the sign, but I made it to the end of the tunnel and got confused. I backtracked and found the place and then I had to pee, so I did. I asked a girl where the nearest washroom was, and she looked up and said "No, but I can point to the sign" I carefully followed the invisible dotted line extending from her finger to the sign pointing down the stairs. I found the tinkler then returned to hear about 4 or 5 people audition. In general things were sounding good.
I hung around with my friends, we all ate lunch outside on the sunny grass. We have to take advantage of the short sunny season in the school year, as the first snow is only about 1.5-2 months away.
Deena and I have been trying to think of a good plan of spite for our friend Gabi. Several times last year Gabi was meddling with us and trying to convince us to date, based solely on the fact that we both play piano. In the end, we did end up dating, starting near the summer, but we don't feel that it would be right to justify Gabi's actions. We tried to plan some exotic story or something, but today Deena simply told Gabi that we're not dating, and we left it at that. Lying is simple and it's what we do well (*see side story below). It was pretty much a blatant lie too, as everyone else in our little social clique knows about the situation.

*(This is the side story from above) Quite a while ago, before Deena and I were dating, we were both at a party at Brendan's house. Brendan is our mutual friend who conducts a high school wind ensemble, which he sometimes uses as a dating pool. At this party there were many Band Geeks whose drunken behaviour caused Deena and I to feel like Jane Goodall observing chimps, except we were watching Band Geeks pick insects off each other. The following approximation of the dialogue from that night involves three characters: S(the little 15 {turning 16} drunk girl who seemed to be entirely too guillable), Deena, and Me.
S- So, are you guys like dating.?
M- No, not really.
D- Ya, we're more just fuckbuddies...
S- (shocked) oh...
M- ya, but don't tell Brendan, we don't want him to know
D- Ya cause he'd get jealous
S- jealous...?
D- oh ya, he wouldn't want to know theres another guy
S- you mean... you're sleeping with Brendan too...
D- ya
M- and me too...
S- {confused look, pause}
M- Brendan and I have sex all the time
S- {Complete Shock} so you are like a threesome?
D- No, the three of us are never together at the same time..
S- Wow, thats wierd
Act 2
D- Well, the two of us have to be really close, especially when we share so much...
S-{in anticipation} oh... like what
M- the syphallis
S- what's that?
[at this point, Deena turns her head and breaths deep to avoid bursting out laughing]
M- it's an STD. It effects the brain and the nervous system, if left untreated it can cause your brain to eat itself away so you go insane.
S- Are you serious?
D- ya of course we are.
[short not-so-awkward pause]
S- I hope Im not making the two of you uncomfortable with this, Im sorry.
M- No we, just want people to learn from our mistakes...
[We then proceeded to list off as many STD's as we could think of, and she kept believing us. Herpes, Gonnerhoea, Chlamydia, Crabs, Scabies, The Clap, Hepatitis, Genital warts, but not AIDS, that wouldbe too serious...] [Somewhere during the list, I had to turn my head to avoid laughing as well]
S- Oh my gosh, this is .. Im so sorry for you guys
D- thats ok, we just want people to learn from us...
M- can I give you some advice?
S- Ok
M- No matter what, if you ever are thinking of trying something new, don't use purple lysol
S- {schock and disgust} what would people use that for?
D- Lube
S- WHY?!
D- the smell
M- and the tingle, it has this really cool tingly sensation that really adds to the sexual pleasure... but no. It'll never be the same afterwards...

A mixture of her drunkeness and gulliability, and Deena and I both being on the same wavelength the whole time.... it just made this so fun. We actually didn't even straighten things out later...
We are terrible people, but that's ok. Im sure she won't turn out to be some kind of sexual deviant...... ish.


Anonymous said...

stds are NOT funny.

except for syphilis... get this -- people used to call it BOOGIE! how great is that?

so syphilis is funny. and gonorrhea. chlamydia to a lesser extent. but boogie is the main one. LOLOLOLO!!L

Anonymous said...

what if you got the boogie and the clap? now that would awesome would that be?

Anonymous said...

i speak english goodly! clappin' boogie!