Sunday, February 03, 2008

I have a puppy!

My roommate's parents are on vacation, so we get to look after their dog for a little while.
It's tiny... like not even the size of a house cat. Super scrawny and the most timid dog I've ever met, but that's ok, it's a dog!
It's only been here an hour, so it needs to get used to it's new surroundings anyway, but it will be nice to have around the apartment.
In conclusion, it's 10pm Sunday night and I did not get enough work done this weekend.
I'll work as much as I can up to about midnight, but I need to get sleep tonight especially after what happened on Friday...
Oh wait, I never mentioned - crazy - how could I not have mentioned it!
I slept in Friday morning - until 9:20-something. The problem was that I was teaching at 9:30, and I need to leave 30 minutes before I need to be at the school. I didn't waste a second, I called a cab and brushed my teeth and threw on some clothes, gathered my stuff in just enough time to see the cab outside my window. I was 10 minutes late for class, and I felt terrible about it.
This will sound bad, but it actually worked in my favour: Luckily, It was a test on that day, so the students were coming spaced out and not on time anyway. All of the students showed up and did their tests - I was worried about the odd chance that a student showed up in the first 10 minutes and then left before I got there, but luckily everything worked out.
I think I did get caught up on sleep this weekend, but it generally sucks staying up until 2am when I need to wake up for 7:30ish; it's just under my 6 hour comfort zone of sleep.
Ok, back to work!


Anonymous said...

Yay Puppy! I can't wait to have a pet, it mixes things up nicely.
Yeah, i never did well with the school=lack of sleep thing. That's one thing i sure don't miss!

Jonathan Evans said...

I love how every post mentions your lack of productivity and lazyness. If only real life were a blog!