Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tonight, I went to the first of what will soon be many back-to-school shindigs. As tomorrow is Labour day and meetings start early next week, summer is almost officially over.

I had such grand ideas and plans and expectations for this summer - I'm trying to think of even one area of my life where I even came close to those expectations. Whether it be work, productivity, health and exercise, socializing or anything else - this summer was a blatant failure.
As I claim far too often, I'm going to use this as a chance for a fresh start.

I definitely got into a bad rut during the summer. Things are different enough now that I will try to shift everything rather than little by little.

I'm excited to sell/pawn my crappy keyboard. All keyboards are crappy, so the prospect of getting a piano really excites me. Also, living right downtown, there are 2 pawnshops that I can go to within a minute walk! I can't even remember what I paid for the keyboard so I'd be happy to get anything more than fifty bucks. Of course I'll haggle with them - that's the fun part!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why don't you keep your keyboard for one more year if you are planning to relocate after next year? Piano is such a pain in the neck when you want to move...