Saturday, March 27, 2010


Here is the promotional poster for Sonic Boom 2010.
The festival is fast approaching and I am excited to be a part of it in different capacities - I will have one of my own pieces performed, as well as I will be playing in 4 pieces as a pianist.

April 8th is the day to remember, so if you're in Vancouver, come on out to The Western Front.

The first 2 weeks of April will be very intense for me - a full-day ballet workshop, Sonic Boom, and accompanying a violin recital, but I'm up for the challenge!
The rest of the month doesn't really calm down much. A final student composer concert to help organize, the premiere of my new choral pieces, and wrapping up the academic year will keep me on my toes.

In other news, I have an appointment with my new endocrinologist on Monday at 9am. First off - why so early?!?!?! Second, I almost forgot. The bloodwork is from a while ago, so good thing I didn't have to do fresh stuff. 2 days of sugar/food records will just have to be enough. in all honest, diabetes apathy is at an all-time high - I haven't seen a diabetic counsellor or social worker in a long time and I think it's about time I change that. I WANT diabetes to be more or a priority than I've let it be lately, I just need help to make that happen.

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging as much as I would like lately... I'll try to have little updates more often.

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