Friday, March 12, 2010

a weekend for resting

So, last weekend, I did 90% of the work for my choral piece - I had set the deadline as Monday. Saturday night, I was up until 8am before sleeping and then I finished the piece around 4am Sunday night/Monday morning.
Next on my list was a paper due on Thursday. It took me all of Monday and Tuesday to do the readings. I figured I had all day Wednesday to write the paper, but surprise, I had classes and teaching in the evening. I got a wee bit done, but it wasn't until around 9 or 10 that I started writing. It wasn't that long of a paper, but it took me until 10 am to finish. I gave it a quick once-over to make sure it made sense, printed it.
I set every alarm I had in my room and went to sleep, knowing I could get 2 hours of sleep before class at 1:30. The class was very long, I drank a lot of coffee and I made it through the day, going to bed at a normal time.
I slept for 11 hours and it was great!

Even though I'm not tired tired, I'm feeling a little worn down.
(oops, started writing this hours ago and forgot to publish, so I'm publishing now and not finishing this train of thought...)

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