Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Formerly Uncommon Occurrence

The following image might be disturbing, but I think it is delightful!

In case you haven't figured it out, these are three of the fingers from my left hand:
index, middle and ring

You may be wondering, 'oh no, why is Mr. Left Middle-Finger bleeding'?
Don't be worried my friends, he bleeds quite a bit, and he doesn't mind one bit. 

Because of diabetes, my fingers have bled quite a bit more than the average persons' fingers.

Multiple times a day, I have to prick one of my fingers with a lancing device so that I can test my blood sugar.  In an ideal world, every diabetic would cycle through both hands - each finger would bleed only once every 10 tests.  It can be even further varied by changing where on the finger to poke - meaning the right side of Mr. Left Middle-Finger would bleed only once every 20 tests!
  I remember a time when I only tested about 5 times a day - that would mean that Mr. Left Middle-Finger only bled once or twice a week!
  Times have changed and Mr. Left Middle-Finger is one of my favourite fingers to prick.  Also, because of the strict regimen I was on the last few months, I was testing upwards of 15 times a day.  Mr. Left Middle-Finger bled a lot.

The scene you see above used to be quite the special event.  With the smallness of the hole that is made, the blood clots very quickly and within a second, it's healed - Halleluja!  Sometimes, however, it's still hurting on the inside.  There are two basic ways of expressing this inner turmoil:

1) Pictured above is the classic double-bleeder.  One drop of blood forms from the new puncture wound, and another forms from a previous puncture.  Because the punctures are quite small, you need to squeeze the blood out - the blood will find any available exits, even ones which were partially closed.

2)The sprayer - Sometimes, the hole is not big enough, or a previous hole only opens a little, but there is still a fair amount of force trying to get the blood out.  The same force coming out of a little exit causes a fine stream of blood to spatter a fair distance.  On occasion, I don't even notice until I find a spattering of blood on my glasses or white dress shirt...

That's all for now.  I hope you enjoyed the picture.  Today has been a special day filled with fun and excitement..  Laundry and sitting around in my pajamas!  

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