Friday, February 06, 2009

Indeed, my sugars have been MUCH better yesterday and today.  It appeared to have been a bad infusion set, but I refused to change it since I had ended the previous one a day early.

I'm going to spend a little time next weekend in Toronto.  I have a meeting with my thesis adviser, I'll hang out with one of my long-time readers, and there's an on-line, yet real-life pharmacy there that sells insulin pump supplies for a remarkable savings.  What costs $205 through the manufacturer only costs $175, or $150 from this pharmacy.  This will bring my diabetes related costs down to the level at which I'm receiving funding for it, which means I won't be spending as much out-of-pocket money on my health.

All things are looking up these days:
I've been productive with writing.
I bought nasal spray, so my nose is feeling much happier.
With the sugars down, I feel less stressed, even though it is still there.
Yep, that's all I got for now.

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