Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ok, finally, after a grueling set of edits and more edits, I am done with the dance film. On Wednesday, I am going to part of the tech run for the show where the film will be premiered(after I've gone back to London), so at least I will have a chance to see the film and music together.
I think that brings my total productivity for this break to 26%, or something like that.
Nevertheless, I still have just over a week before I am back to school, and I have every intention of completing that remaining 74%! Please, someone remind me of that when, in a week's time, I am making up excuses for not having met my quota.
As for my time in Winnipeg, I have something social to do every night from now until I leave. Fortunately, that gives me something of a schedule with which to work. I will work in the morning/afternoon and then socialize in the evening. I think it should be a matter of just not sleeping in too late. Sleeping the days away is really not so good.
Tonight is sushi. Maybe I should have something to eat first, there's only so much sushi I can handle, so I don't want to be hungry later on. Oooh, I have jellybellies!

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