Monday, March 03, 2008

While I had been feeling that I'd accomplished nothing over break, it was good to talk to some of the other comp students tonight and have it put into perspective - I'd certainly not done any less than my colleagues; if anything, I've done a little more. Anyway, the moral of this story is that I don't have to feel bad about only recently developing some sort of direction with my second piece.
As this piece won't be performed this year, there isn't as much pressure, it's purely a learning tool, which I need to use for preparation for my thesis next year... which will be my next and final composition of this degree....WOW! Quite a bit of a jump...

For electro, there is a lot of work I will need to do for my second piece. The performance date is at the beginning of April, so it has to be written and learnt by the performer by then...!

I'm rehearsing with my erhuist tomorrow. I'm excited.

The student composers' concert is in just over a week, and the dress rehearsal is on Sunday. I will hear it for the first time on thursday. I feel confident that they will do a good job, I'm very excited to hear it!
Ok, that's enough rambling for today.

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