Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Splendid Day

It was long, I left my house at 8:04am and I got home at just after midnight, but it was a good day!
I will assemble some of the highlights for your enjoyment:

Theater camp was fun, I wasn't too tired. I was involved in the teacher's skit that we presented for the kids. Maybe it was the ridiculous costume (tight leather jacket and orange/purple wig) or the fact that it was a bunch of little children that we were entertaining, but I was able to just let loose and be silly! The skit was set up as a dating show, I was bachelor number three, a rocl star!
To contrast, any previous experiences I've had with improvised theater has been uncomfortable with me - my use of language is not as fluid as I would like. I also got to know some of my coworkers a little better and then I wandered around downtown and had lunch and killed a lot of time before rehearsal.

HAPPY FRINGE! Today was the kickoff day for the fringe festival, more highlights:

We did a media performance on the free stage at Old Market Square. The performance itself was not the best due to only 2 singers being miked and never having seen/rehearsed in the space. It was also a tough crowd, at least inasmuchas it's tough to keep their attention.
Anyway, the good part - Butterflies seemed to like me today, a lot!
A Butterfly landed next to me and I put my finger out, but it flew away. Soon after, someone pointed out that it was on my shoulder - I felt so at-one with nature! She later moved onto my music book and then a different butterfly landed on my other shoulder! it was amazing!

Later, we went to a few fringe shows. I have to give huge advertising to the one at the Gas Station Theater - Die Roten Punkte.
It was amazingly professional and funny and non-stop entertaining. I would have been fine with just having experienced the show normally, but one of the characters picked me out of the audience to sing a special song to (Carpenters - Why do birds...) on the glockenspiel! I must have turned a little red, but it was hilarious and they kept it going all through the show. I was impressed with both of the actors' conviction and delivery. They never broke character and generally it was just super!
I highly recommend seeing this one if you going to see anything at the Fringe, oh and of course Hair!

Those were the highlights of the day.


Anonymous said...

what color was your shirts today?

Michael Park said...

It was white with some yellow and blue mild stripes. I bought it in Berlin.

Anonymous said...

maybe the butterflies thought you were a flower, or a plant.

by the way, my bird thinks Jon is a tree.