Monday, June 09, 2008

I woke up early today to have my air conditioner installed by the landlord. I can now handle my apartment - except for the bedroom which is still ridiculously warm. I need a fan to redirect the conditioned air into my room.

I like thunderstorms - there have been a few of them lately.

I was going to do some work tonight, but the light in the kitchen burnt out - I have a replacement bulb, but it is dark.
I am well aware of the complete lack of substance to this reasoning.

I had an interview/audition for a ballet piano job starting next fall. I was enthusiastically offered the job. The pay is less than I was expecting, so I'll think about it.

Tomorrow, I go to Toronto for yet another friend's concert. Actually, I know three of the people on the concert bill, one of them being from Winnipeg ish.

I've actually made some headway on my duet. I will continue in that direction.
I went to get the thesis proposal examples, but someone else had taken them out today. I have to wait.
I was going to walk home from my interview, but it started raining ridiculous buckets - buckets of ridicule, mostly water though.

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