Monday, December 29, 2008

vacation extension

I was supposed to be on a train to Toronto/London right now, but it got cancelled.  This change will see me flying home instead, on New Year's Day.
  It's not that I love London, or hate Winnipeg, but I was ready to leave and I was really looking forward to getting a lot of work done on the train ride.  With refund, the travel change is only costing ten dollars, so I got a good last minute flight deal, but I'm sad I won't be taking the train.
Taking the train would have meant missing new years in both cities, which would have been a tad lame, but maybe it would have been for the best.  We'll find out in a few days.

To make up for the isolated productivity of the train, I'm forcing myself to work here.  I went to the neighbourhood library today - I hadn't been there since I was a pre-teen, and I could tell why.  It was tiny, and filled with so many romance novels, self-help books, and junk.  The entire area of the main floor was probably only a thousand square feet, and the work/study area they claimed to have was three tiny tables with chairs.  I got some work done, but it was pretty ghetto.  This was a gentle reminder of just how different the academic world is from the real world.

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