Sunday, March 01, 2009

I guess I should update on what I mentioned the other day:

I was able to be super detailed with carb counting and post-prandials for part of a day a few days ago and the results were inconclusive, however I couldn't focus any longer on it.  I've been consistent and accurate with my carb counting since and I've been having unexplained rises during the late morning.  I'm not sure if this is the dawn phenomena getting stronger or what, so I will fast tomorrow and see what happens.

Or, from my last post, this could be attributable to stress.  For those of you who are diabetics on a pump out there, do you change basals for a period of stress?  It's effected me differently on different days, so I'm a little weary, but I'm thinking I can't let it keep hiking my sugars for much longer.

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