Wednesday, July 26, 2006

roadtrip weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ok, so I know now that everything works out for the best!
I almost bought a car this summer, but i didn't. If I did, I would have spent money on the actual car and then insurance and registration and everything, then I would have been (financially) forced to stay at the Lodge til the end of the summer to pay for it....
As it happens, I didn't but the car - I came home early and have nothing really pressing to do (ignoring the practicing/composing thing) until the middle of August. I have a friend named Binky who wants to travel around .... THEREFORE ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!
even better is that she has a car and she's totally cool with the random road trip idea!!!!
We're also both wanting to stick to a almost non-existent budget!! Yay for cheapness!
Oh wow, I'm excited, superduper!
I'm not sure exactly when I'm leaving, but most likely by Saturday or sunday! yippee!


Anonymous said...

So, so, so, so, SO jealous. Road trips kick ass. I really should do that soon. Soo much fun. Especially now that i actually have a car.
And you don't need to buy a car, remember? You've got me to be your chauffer whore! Well, chauffer anyway. But I guess whore works too.

Michael Park said...

don't be jealous, make your own roadtrip fun!
The car option was before I knew you bought one, now I will make full use of your chauffer whore offer (interestingly enough, chauffer in french means to get hot..) HOT WHORE!!!
Kick Ass KenWhorea!