Thursday, August 24, 2006

I don't want to be a tenor

So ya, this is how I feel right now.
Aside from the personality defects related to being a tenor, I don't like the range thing. I want to go back to being a high baritone.
I wish I had thought of this plan... but it seems like more of a reality than anything... - I should go into my audition for vocal ensembles and just crack all of my high notes, and then they'll realize that I'm really not a tenor... I'm a fucking pianist!!! Why the hell can't I just get credit for playing piano for the ensemble! Oooh, choral accompanimnet - so much better than having to do choral singing. Then I don't have to put so much effort into being insistant about TUNING in the tenor section.
Oh, I'm also hating Photoshop and the fuckness of stupid! argh oh man does it make me angry!
I hate technology with the bloody passion of a thousand fiery corpses!

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