Saturday, January 05, 2008

Quick status update

As you may remember, over the break I had 4 tasks/projects to do.

After leaving Winnipeg, the dance film commission was done - 25% complete.

As of a few minutes ago, I have finished what I needed to do for my orchestration assignment. I tidied up a whole lot of details and reevaluated many of the decisions I had previously made. Surprisingly, the time I took away from this assignment seems to have done me well. I was able to look at my work with a fresh perspective. I feel that I have not only retained what I learnt in the first term, but it seems to make more sense to me now than it did in early December.
That brings us to a 50% completion rate.

Last night I finished the instrumental / percussion score for one of the autumn songs. My task for tonight is to write the vocal line in conjunction with it. If I am successful, I will be working toward an approximate 60% completion rate.

Then comes the Piano Trio... Both of the commissions I was working on over the break really worked with the layering concept that my prof was talking about before the break. I don't think that I understood that before, but now I think I might. I know that my writers' block was not because I subconsciously didn't want to continue with that material - the block was effecting other areas of creativity... the reason why I didn't get anything done in the first bit of the break. I'll attribute it to the stress of the end of term.
Anyway, I want to continue with the concept of layering that I explored over the break, and I think that I'll be able to successfully use it in my piano trio piece. That will take place on Sunday and Monday.

Ok, no more blogging today... except to give a progress report on my completion rate later tonight...
On to productivity!

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