Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Tonight, friends from high school and I finally had our Festivus dinner. It's been years in the making, but finally it happened!
There was a nice spread of food which we ate more as appetizers, never actually sitting and eating at the table.
There was no Festivus pole, and the house was incredibly decorated for Christmas, but we ignored those oversights in the true spirit of the season.
The airing of grievances was superb. We were toying with the idea of not doing it at all because... well, it could easily end badly. In the end, we did it and I'm glad we did. No one went overboard and even the serious ones were stated in an entertaining/lighthearted way. We decided that a true airing of the grievances would be ideal for a family setting, where they are forced by law to love you, regardless of what you say!
The Feats of Strength was not quite as it was described in Seinfeld. Kyle and Vince were the ones to battle, so about half of us went outside to watch - In the end, everyone who was outside ended up being tackled and in the snow!
All in all, Festivus was a resounding success.

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