Monday, January 14, 2008

So, that weekend just flew by in the blink of an eye...
Here's the update on assignments for this week:

Orchestration is pretty much done, save the act of printing and organizing parts. Conclusion - I'm glad this isn't 30 years ago or whenever things all had to be done by hand, I wouldn't have the patience for it. I barely have the patience for it now... For Thurs/Friday, I need to have the score to the conductor - so all I need to do is buy 8.5*11 paper and then print it out and get it bound - that much I can handle. The rest of the printing and part prep work will take place over the weekend and into next week, I have a week tomorrow to get that all done. I think I can say that I have everything under control for that.

Electro - I need to finish up my score and get it printed/bound for Friday, I'll do that together with the Orchestration Score. I also need to do some reading for Max MSP and do some tutorials as part of my weekly course work - I'll try to do that tomorrow.

With those two major things out of the way, the weekend will still be just as busy, but even more focused on what remains:

Piano Trio - I really haven't written anything since before the break. I feel awful about it, so now is the time to make it up. My creative slump is now over, so it's time I apply that to this piece. My longstanding task was to write something completely new for trio - I have lots of ideas and pitch/melodic material that I've generated this past week, now I need to turn it into something. I'm thinking it is going to be contrapuntal in nature, which will most likely expose my weaknesses, haha! I've been trying to do little bits of work on it along with everything else, but I totally prioritize based on what is most urgent time-wise, so the trio is suffering. Nevertheless, over the weekend, it will rise sharply in the priority ranking.
[Now that I think of it, I should get the orchestral parts out of the way before the weekend so I can be focused.]

Autumn Song Cycle. The last poem is in a state of finality. I finished composing the vocal line to the percussion parts, which have been finished for a while now, and while changes are bound to take place, it is close enough to being finished that I can justify setting it aside while I work on the other 2 poems. One of the two remaining poems has the vocal line completely composed, waiting for the glockenspiel accompaniment to be finished, while the last poem needs a healthy dose of EVERYTHING! I am meeting with a singer friend with a very similar voice type to the singer friend for whom the pieces are being written tomorrow to go over some things. I know that everything is possible and singable; tomorrow will tell me if anything is awkward/unidiomatic. Moreso, it will give me something tangible to hear - and even try some things with. I can test out some accompaniment things for the poem which needs the glockenspiel accompaniment.

Over the break, I did a lot of fence sitting in regards to thoughts about my thesis - I got an email from the choreographer which helped put me in a more go-get'em mood about the whole thing. I will be seeing her tomorrow; I think she is having a rehearsal with the dancers who would be in my piece and I'm going to go watch / maybe play some piano for/with them. Also, I have a meeting with a potential thesis adviser later this week. Some of my worries were brought up by the department head, but I need to talk to profs in my area in order to either dispel or affirm those worries.

That is a brief glimpse into what I have going on for me these days. I'm very excited for Feb 8'th after my Trio is submitted, then all of these things (except the last paragraph) will be done and finished. Heck, even after Jan 22'nd, 2 of the things will be gone!

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