Sunday, January 11, 2009

  Generally, it was a pretty productive weekend.  Both my UBC and Boston University applications are ready to go, except for:
1) Draft of the first movement of my thesis.  I'm waiting on my teacher's comments before I send it.
b)Binding - I'll do this right before I send them away.
The trip from my apartment to the FedEx Kinky's for binding, and then to the post office has become very familiar.  I did it multiple times for DAAD, and a few more times for other university applications.  I'll do it again on Tuesday and I'll enjoy it!

  Since I took a break from the first movement, I've gotten a lot of work done on my second movement.  Today I took a look back at the first movement, and I realized that there is SO much work that needs to be done before I can even send a draft away!  I was hoping that when I came back to it, it would be clear that I would only have to do a few small tasks to complete it, but that appears not to be the case.  
  Part of me wants to regret stepping back from the piece because I'll likely continue in the same manner as I would have anyway, but the other part is glad I got the second movement underway - and perhaps some of those decisions will inform the earlier movement.

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