Saturday, January 17, 2009

So far, one comment and it's sopping in sarcasm.  Nevertheless, I appreciate it very much.  Thank you anonymous poster!

I got a haircut today.  After getting lunch at the food court in the mall near my apartment, I decided to try out the hair stylist in the mall - my hair was getting long and it was awful convenient.  I really didn't have high expectations at all, and accepted the fact that I might get mall-hairstylist massacred.  In the end, I think this is possibly my best haircut ever.  Normally, I shower right after getting a haircut because I'm so itchy, but there's no itch - she did a phenomenal job of keeping my neck hair free.  Also, she styled it and put gunk in.  As I knew I was going to the orchestra concert tonight, I decided to keep it in and styled.  I also wore nice clothes - something that was quite unnecessary for Orchestra London, but it made me feel oh so pretty!

1 comment:

Jonathan Evans said...

Nice hair AND nice clothes, whoa, mister fancy.