Wednesday, February 15, 2006

4 weeks, less a day

It is officially less than 4 weeks until my recital!
I am experiencing both excitement and worry.
I have a lesson tomorrow, it's been 2 weeks since my last one... this will test what and how I have been working on my own.
The Bach fugue is making great strides and it doesn't need to be ready til next week. I already have it memorized. This next week will be spent making that memory more secure and bumping up the speed as we go along... I need to spend some more attention on the prelude.
The Brahms is memorised ish today. Im worried because absolutely nothing about it feels comfortable. Tonight I will go through and fix the little corners where the memory isn't 100%. I feel comfortable with the tempos I am working at, so we'll see what David has to say.
Enough of that!
Yesterday was Valentine's Day and Tiffany's birthday. Happy day to everyone!
Deena and I went out for dinner to this place that I had never heard of... it was amazing! The food was great, and the bread service.. WOW!!! best bread I have ever had!! YUMMY! We went all out, with an appetizer and meals and a bottle of wine. I refuse to acknowledge the cost of this experience, but it was well worth it!
When I got home, My mom told me that she and Dad had gone to the hospital because she was having a pain in her stomach. As per usual with the hospitals in Winnipeg... they went and waited for a long time and then the pain was lessening, so they came home. Today she stayed home from work to go to a walk in. I don't think the pain has come back as strong, but I worry about her. She has been doing great lately. Having been diagnosed with borderline diabetes(early Type II), she has changed her lifestyle, exercising lots and regimenting her eating. She's managed to lose quite a bit of weight and is quite an inspiration to me both to lose weight as well as to gain better control of my diabetes.
Illness aside, nothing was to stop her from filling me in on every detail of her condition and her thoughts on the world and gossip, and the icing on the cake: complaining about the lack of nutritional information on hot-cross buns at the grocery store.... When I half jokingly suggested she call and complain... she did!
I always feel bad for the person on the other end of the phone with my mother... She is forceful and on the phone, there is missing that interpersonal guidelines.. so she often forgets theres someone else there, and just complains.. then gets offended when they try to say something in their defense... and really is this such a huge deal...?!?
Alas, today is day three of reading week and I'm still 3 for 3 on exercising in the morning. Today the music was 'Los togros del norte'. It was a cd from the days I worked at Jack Andrews. Every summer, some 30 of the migrant workers from Mexico on Manitoba Farms would come and send money to their families through Western Union. As thanks for their business.. Western Union would send the store 'presents' for us to give to them. There were hats, pens, tamarind juice, more hats, and one year... CD's! It was heartwarming to see them still wearing their hats the next year, albeit quite beaten up.... Anyway, the Mexicans worked ona farm and they didnt have luxuries.... so of course they didn't need the 50 CDs that were sent. I made sure to acquire a copy for myself... Not the best workout music, but a delightful mix of accordian and Mexicans nonetheless. Maybe I'll make a mix cd of good music for random flailing tonight for tomorrow...

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