Sunday, February 12, 2006


the best thing about this weekend is that it just won't end...
next week is reading week so I don't have school! yippee!!
I practiced last night in the hall at the school. The piano was so perfectly in tune, it was wonderful... auditions are on so i guess thats an event worth tuning it for. It sounded great, and it's rewarding to practice on a piano thats in tune. My piano at home isn't, I need to get that fixed SOON! But I suppose that it's probably closer to the music Bach intended... ya thats it, my piano is out of tune enough that it could classify as well-tempered rather than equal-tempered. Nevertheless, practicing was productive last night... the Bach fugue is in good condition now, better than it had been. Im starting to have some issues with the speed of the prelude, but I'll keep working at that.
Brahms is coming along, slow but sure. The memory is appearing to be there. So I know it can be done. With the Intermezzo.. it's a matter of getting the first 2 pages securely memorized and then having more freedom with it. It's slow and luscious... so much room for musicality and I'm excited about that. The Cappriccio needs more speed, especially the middle section. It's supposed to be a little slower than the outsides, not to the extent that I am doing. It's full of awkward jumps and large reaches. I can only practice it for a little while before my hands hurt from over extension. "Hard-practicing"is great for bach and mozart and lighter textures and contrapuntal stuff, but not so good for chordal stuff that is just plain massive.
In terms of that practice schedule, I'm behind, theres no other way of putting it. I have readapted my schedule to have me prepared a week later than planned, but that is still a full 2 weeks before my recital, within the paramaters David set! I'm not feeling confident yet about preparation, because I know there is still a lot of work ahead of me. Yet it seems withing grasp.. a good thing cause if it didn't I would be freaking out!
Last night, I also looked at all the music I have to play for accompanying in festival... Why is it that the hardest pieces are on the day OF my recital. Im in the process of seeing if some of these are possible. One of them is on the fast-repeated notes level close to the Erlking. Another one has 7 flats. Alas, I will go and see how much of them I can learn/play tonight, and then make a decision based on that. I don't want to be the kind of accompanist that keeps turning work away, but at the same time I need to keep my recital as priority number one.
Here we go!


Anonymous said...

Way to go for working so hard, especially on a Saturday night. This time of year is CRAZY, but if you get too stressed out, just play one of the three variations we have for The Friendly Giant and it'll remind you that no matter what, you have a big giant friend!! And that friend's name is Pugsley R. Fat. Huggles!

Michael Park said...

Thanks! Say hi to Hortence for me!