Tuesday, February 21, 2006


grr mumbly,
oi vay...
so mild freakout today when I realised that festival is next week starting, so class attendance will be to a minimal. This freakout has led me to make sure that I know at least all the notes of the festival pieces, which leaves me at the Poulenc piece C. grr. I hate it and I love it. It's coming veryvery slowly, but I am forcing the notes into my fingers and brain.
Tonight = practice. I am not feeling confident about tomorrow's lesson. The Brahms are much more together, yay, only one week behind the needed schedule. Bach has probably even taken a little step back from last week. Adding in things like energy and concentrating extra on the voicing make the piece harder.. so whatever.
I am so filled with antsy and pissy and grrr right now. mumbly!
It seems everyone is sick now... which is fine, unless it interferes with my schedule... yesterday it resulted in me taking an extra hour of bussing from univ to downtown and back, today I lost 30 bucks of income.... geez, why can't people stay healthy if not for their own sake, at least for my benefit!

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