Wednesday, February 08, 2006


i got a letter from the CDA today, just as I expected, I am not a good enough volunterr/youth activist and advocator to go to South Africa. Alghouth I would have loved to go, I didn't think I would be chosen as national representative. Nevertheless, I actually got a personalized letter of response... not just with my name plunked in. They took the time to let me know what they liked about my application and the likes. Kniowing the amount of applicants, I have reason to believe that when they said my application was given serious consideration, I was one of the top considerants.
Oi, what an academic time.. I'm doing a paper which Im going to finish soon, then I have to study for my 20th century exam on friday. Luckily after that, its READING WEEK!!!! which means:
PRACTICE practice practice, and compose, and read and stuff!!! more school based than most would aim for.. but I have a recital coming up soon!
I was just expressing to my friend tiffy the other night how I am finally excited about music again.. for a short while.. I was getting down because of competitions, and I actually let thoughts of not going to grad school get into my head. craziness, but now all is well again, and I'm inspired about making a difference in the world through music!
I went to a book sale today and bought some books... there weren't too many good music ones.. oh well. I did however buy the first volume of Goethe's poetry!! IN Deutsche!, what a gem!
Im getting a little worried aobut hte Ottawa Job opportunity... I haven't heard anything backfrom that woman as to whether or not she has recieved the cd I sent her. It's been almost 3 weeks... I want to know if I should even think of this possibility, or should I be trying hard to find something else. If I can afford it, theres an opportinuty for a summer program for free if I go with a predetermined group... Im sure my chamber group would be willing.. Sarah lives in the place where it is... apparently its free and free room and board and tuition and everything if you go as a group.... this is why its so appealing... its just a matter of: 'can I make enough moeny to live off of next year just working a month at the factory before I run off?"
My priorities for the summer are 1) if I can work in Ottawa 2) Run away to the chamber music thing and 3) work for a short while at the factory and then do music jobs around the city for the rest of the summer.
who knows what is to come.


Anonymous said...

I really like that.

"making a difference in the world through music"

this is such to me.
I always thought that if i wanted to make a difference in the world, i needed to go bigger. I needed to do history and find some really amazing stuff.
I think i've forgotten the difference that a really enthusiastic teacher could make in a child's life. (which, could be the world).
I dunno.
New way of thinking tho.

Yay michael.

Anonymous said...

Ottawa's a great city. You could probably move into my brother's place for the summer if you need a place to stay. He has an extra bedroom. You'd have to ask him of course, but it's worth giving it a try. He lives right by UOttawa. Anyway, good luck studying.

Anonymous said...

I left you some comments in December - I think it was Dec. 23 - please read them!

James said...

I may also be in Ottawa this summer - a foreign service job opportunity, but I'll have to be a cost/benefit analysis before I commit to it! We'll have you over at the 'rents for a meal or 10.