Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I'll get to the reminiscent bit in a little while.
This morning Chris, Jason and I worked on our project for 20th Century for 3 hours. We got a good start on it, and now we know what has to get done for certain.... we are filming it on thursday night and finishing writing it on thursday morning. It's a tight schedule, but Im sure it will all work out in the end. The best part of working on the project was that we decided that the school would have too many distractions for us, so we went and worked at Perkins, which is now Frisco's, but they have the same food and stuff.
Now, this afternoon, I had lots of running around to do. For student loan, I need to get all my workplaces from the summer to sign a form and say how much I made. I went to AOV, but it has to be filled out by a district manager, so I'll get the form in a week or 2. Winpak was efficient as usual. I will hopefully get my ballet one done on saturday or whenever... No real rush, but I'd like to have money sooner than later. I talked with my old manager at AOV for a short while and everything seemed to be exactly the same with her. Apparently after me, there were 5 other people who worked for about a month and then left because they found a better job or similar reasons. She stands her ground that she can't bear ill feeling towards anyone of them cause she want's people to go for something better. Nevertheless, it's unfortunate that she gets stuck working 6 days a week with double shifts and whatnot while trying to find new people all the time. Oh well. She's very pleasant and it was nice to say hi and whatnot.
My experience at Winpak was different. When Iwas working there, I always felt like just an employee, just a manual labourer. Im not sure if that was truly the was we were treated, but thats the picture of myself I painted while I was working there. Whenever I went to Human Resources, I felt like such a tool, so needy and like I needed to grovel. Today, I felt more empowered. I believe its because I'm no longer part of that union. There was something about being part of that socialist coallition that made me function less as an individual, more as a small meager part of a larger power. Kinda like a Borg... in conclusion: Unions are evil.

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