Sunday, November 13, 2005

Weekend description

This weekend was weekendy...
Sister Heather (mine,not a nun) was in town. She and mother got along swimmingly and all was well.
I spent my remembrance day at home, probably practicing, but to be completely honest, I can't exactly remember what went on. I was fully intending on sleeping in, but didn't want to be completely disrespectful, so I set my alarm for 11am on the radio quietly. I don't think I actually woke up, but when I arose later on, I had vague recollections of a dream about remembrance day so I did listen and it encorporated itself into my sleep world. Despite not going to a service, I made sure to allow thoughts of the sombre and reflective nature into my head throughout the day.
Saturday was ok. The two dance teachers I work with were both absent, so I had substitutes for those classes. For the little kid class, the subwas the infamous choreographer. I was very impressed, she taught an excellent class, but there were some clashed between her and the assistants who are in the same program as her. I know there are personality between her and just about everyone there, but her teaching was better than other student teachers I've worked with. For the older classes, I was playing for the principal of the school. She was serious and had high standards. I think twice she complimented me on my playing/music whatever, so I know Im doing something right. We have a history [she was the first teacher I played for, it was a class of all little boys, and I didnt know what I was doing, so now she doesnt have high expectations for me, so when I play for her, she was pleasantly surprised]
I had lunch (during my 2 hour break in the middle of the work day) with Heather and Fiona. I finally got Fi to the twist cafe, cause they have this amazing Veggie Burger, so now she knows. Heather was draggin Fi around shopping for linens.... WOOHOO. Apparently Fiona shared my excitement, so we made fun of Heather. Add to that that heather had to park 10 minutes walking away, so she was super mad when she finally go there. But it was the kind of anger that Fi and I enjoy.
On Sat night we had a Cantata performance at the Manitoba club [which is a group of old rich white people having a fundraiser for... rich old white people]. It went well, and after they gave us food and wine... I wish I wasn't planning on driving later, or else I would have stayed longer and gotten just tanked. I had some wine and some food, then got a ride home and then went to Deena's. We rented Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... SHIT it was bad. I remember people saying that they didnt like it cause it was so different from the original, or saying that if you got over the differences it was pretty good.. I've never seen the original, and was fairly ignorant as to the book or story, so my idea wasn't tainted, it was just crap. I imagine that as a classic tale,there must have been some kind of moral presented, but how could anyone take those cracked out oompa-loompa songs seriously?!? That movie would have been much better either piss tanked or stoned.
Today was good, I slept in. Reign of Sound happened, and Sandra was there. Andy had mentioned that she was joining, but I didnt believe him, as I don't quite understand why. I was under the impression that Sandra and Richard both had a dislike going for one another unknowing of the others feelings... so maybe this will be interesting. Either way, I won't read too far into this, as it's good to have a nice powerful voice in the soprano section.
This evening, I had the strong feeling that I didn't get any practicing done this weekend, which aside from a little on friday, I didn't. Im not even sure if I got any done on thursday so i went to the school and practiced tonight., I got there around 7:30 and left just after 11, so I did at least 3 hours. Im happy with that. Anyway, Im gonna cut this short here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Au contraire, i loved willie wonka. I did hate the oompa loompas and the songs tho - the ones on the old movie were way better, and they didn't just cheap out and reproduce the same guy as all the oopma loompas (cuz that's what gives them the scarry possessed look). Watching drunk would be fun tho. (*thinks about where she can get the movie and some liquor*)