Sunday, November 04, 2007

I just realized as I was lying in bed before getting up just how busy this end of term is going to be. At first I thought it wouldn't be bad because I only have the electroacoustic piece which is to be performed in class on the last day of term. but then, I realized that both my Piano Trio as well as my Orchestration assignment need to be handed over as soon as I get back from break. This means that the break will be spent making sure all the parts look nice and generally editing the pieces. I'm not even sure if I will have a class/lesson on them before having to hand them in, so basically, I need to have them finished before I leave London for Christmas.
At the same time, maybe I just need to accept the fact that this IS independent work and I shouldn't be latching on to what a prof might say.
The moral of this story is that I am going to get as much work done as possible on my own for everything so that I am prepared for whatever might change along the way.
For electro, we are supposed to have a relatively detailed plan for our pieces by next class - from there it will just be a process of doing the work and processing the sounds and setting things up for the performance. I want to get that done this weekend so that it's out of the way, then during the week, I can actually start to implement some of those plans!

I am very excited for next weekend. My friend Fiona is coming to London to visit. I really haven't been social lately, so her visit will be timely, she is a genuine FunMaster!
I will let the weekend serve as inspiration for me to get as much done this week as possible. My lesson is on the Tuesday right after the weekend, but Fiona is here until Monday evening. I don't want to be a bad/boring host, so I need to make sure that school work won't interfere too much with her visit. There's already going to be a big chunk of lame on Friday because I have class pretty much all day - nevertheless, that means that Electro will be out of the way and I can ignore it until the following tuesday/wednesday.
At the same time, the studio is really cool and I think Fiona would enjoy seeing some of the things you can do with it so maybe I can incorporate some work into that...
Anyway, I don't really have anything planned for her visit because, well, it's me AND its Fi. We're random and planning things would be LAME!

Ok, I've wasted enough of my Sunday morning blogging. It's time to go and do something productive, YAY!

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