Friday, November 02, 2007

musings at the end of a rather long day

Being at the university for 7am was rather early, but not the worst thing. The sun wasn't even up when I got to the university. It was cool, dark and unpopulated - just how I like it!

I got to play a bit for my choreographer and some of the dancers. It wasn't as inspiring as my initial experiences with the YoungLungs, but they are a very receptive group and things look promising. We're all going to start thinking about possible topics/subjects for the thesis project(long term), but there are going to be some opportunities to work on some smaller project during this year - a good way to get to know each other.

Two of my sight singing classes had their second test today. They did SO much better. Almost too much better. I was a little more lenient this time, but their skills were much better. It's not just a matter of seeing that the numbers are better for their marks, but I could hear the improvement. The students have actually been working and the classes have been going smoother. I'm a happy teacher!

Electroacoustic class was not so hot today. The piece I brought in for my listening example ... the prof labeled it 'compositionally weak'. It's not like I chose it specifically and loved it, I chose it because it was one of the few tracks of a suitable length off of a compilation album. One would assume that a work done by someone who teaches electro composition at a US University would be sound, but I guess not. The piece gave us some stuff to talk about, but I still felt a little down that I didn't make a good selection.
There are only two of us in the class, and it's pretty clear that I am the weaker of the two students. I need to spend much more time in the studio so that I might be able to come close to catching up, but the other guys has more electro experience. It should be encouraging me to do better, but I'm finding it a little frustrating that he always seems to be going that sizable step beyond what I am doing.

I took a nap this evening, but I'm still tired, so I'll go to bed somewhat soon.

I read for pleasure tonight, only 37 pages, but it's a start. I need to increase my reading speed because next term I will have to do a lot of reading for my academic course. Also, I should generally be reading a lot more than I currently am. I should also be listening a lot more and looking at a lot more scores. I should also be composing more. I should do more.

I should also increase the quality of what I am currently doing, rather than simply adding more quantity.

Michael, it's time to step it up.

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