Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday is techno-savvy blogging day!

It's Friday evening and I'm staying in to get some work done. You know you're a grad student when...
Actually, I passed up a pot-luck tonight, which is very much out-of-line for a grad student.
I've been fussy and cranky lately - not exactly sure why, but I'm just feeling like I'm wanting to be a bit anti-social this weekend.

After some troubles with proprietary audio file types today, I put some recordings up of my latest performance last month.
They are available on my myspace page, but since I'm getting more and more techno-savvy, here it is, embedded!

First and Second Movements

Third Movement

Fourth and Fifth Movements

I play another concert on Monday - also through the UBC Contemporary Players, but this time the piece is quite a bit shorter. I hope to have a recording available a little bit sooner than it appeared this time around

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