Thursday, April 20, 2006

Am I wrong, or did the term "stoked" not go out of fashion quite a while ago...?
twice in the last few days, I've heard/read people I know using the term..
I've always clumped that word in with surfer talk... like 'tubular' and 'cowabunga'....
tee hee hee, now I'm having flashbacks of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Anyway, maybe it's just the fact that I don't use a lot of slang, and when I do, it's in a mocking fashion.....
However, there was a guy I met through one of my friends who actually did use ALL sorts of out-of-date talk. He used the word 'rad' like it was going out of style... only, IT DID GO OUT OF STYLE -in the early-mid 90's! Anyway, this guy was too much to handle, and I feel he was the wayward influence of one of my afforementioned friends.
NOW-back to the real-world.
Last night I was totally PMSing (def: Pissy Michael Syndrome). I think I'm better now, but oy was I ever pissy and flustered and grumpy. Nevertheless, I got a few things done on my list of goals:
I finished(ish*) my viola composition! The other composition has been printed and bound. Today I hand in the bound copy to Fitzell and I am officially done with that one! yay, thats a good feeling!
*this is my first draught, today I have my lesson with Fitzell, and he will give me suggestions and tell me the things I have to fix, then I will fix them, print it, get it bound, and be done with it!
I practiced a bit last night. During the day I had worked on increasing speed in the Scarlatti. I did make it to the tempo that David told me to play it at, but it feels a tad out of control. I know this will go away with playing it over and over again, but I would have liked it to be more secure for my lesson today. The Rachmaninoff--eep, I just don't know. I went over the tricky bits to make sure they were secure in the fingers, so thats fine. I practiced the loud parts a little understated, and with lots of direction so that they build in intensity to the climax-I'm just feeling a bit uninspired by the piece lately; mostly because of the way I played it at CMC. Oh well, today I play for David and he'll give me the magic list of things to do before my Jury, and all will be well(i choose to not mention the work I'm going to have to put in because I have so much other work to put in elsewhere, but all WILL be fine!)


Anonymous said...

I use the word "stoked" alot when I'm at the lake wakeboarding- so, ya, surfer talk. My Father likes to mock me and walk around saying he's "totally toaked", but then everyone thinks he's just some crazy stoned old man. Wheesh! Still, I love the word... and all men that use it.. mmmm

Michael Park said...