Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ich bin so stupid!

I had such great plans of getting that recording done this evening after jonny's recital..but alas no.
I left the laptop at home, so I had no means of making a quality recording!
I did practice the piece some more, so it will be that much more secure tomorrow night when I try again. And I practiced the Beethoven... I started with a few key areas that I know are tricky... but I played it through planning to stop when I had flubs.... even just little ones..... I barely had to stop!! It felt so good to know that I can make it through the whole pieces with minimal problems...
Tomorrow is going to go well! Then there will be another thing completely finished for the year.. bringing the total to 2; cantata, and chamber music... ooh all done with ensembles.
Jonny's recital was great... and with a grrrreat closer... hopefully we have set the trend for others to follow. I think its a great thing to have a nice professional and serious recital with a quirky finish that really highlights the performers love for music and the enjoyment they get and give with a performance.

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