Friday, April 21, 2006

WHat a day:
I was supposed to have an interview 2 hours out of the city, but when I called to double check in the morning, the guy was running behind and wasn't gonna be able to make it out there himself, so we had the interview at my house.
This morning, I was feeling icky from a cold/allergies, whatever, so I took cough medicine... it tasted terrible.. but not normal terrible.. my stomach gurgled... and gurgled then I looked at the expiry date --Feb 2004-- eek! by this time my stomach had made it's mind up... BLURGHSGHKGIYUSKHD
Pukey!! luckily all I had in my system was the litre of water I had drank before that.
Once it was out of my system, it was fine.. im just congested and blaghy anyway.
Back to the interview--
He had me play some different kinds of music, and he was impressed by everything.
Basically I have the job. He guarunteed me full time hours (plus), and he doesn't seem to be picky about what I do when Im not playing the piano. The only thing that he cares about is that Im there for every weekend -especially long ones- until Sept long. This is understandable, as resorts have their busy times at those times.
This musical work would be a delightful mix. For Weekend brunches, he wants relaxed upscale music- my specialty! Theres also evenings.. he said he wants some more upbeat music for the lounge/tavern....
This sounds like a super fun job opportunity... and I should be more excited...
I'm just not excited about not really having a summer with friends and whatnot. I would be moving away from the middle of May until the beginning of school. Theres also concerns like making sure I have access to a computer so I can make bill payments and register for school and whatnot.
Im pretty sure I've decided to do it, but I'm waiting to hear back from him about wage specifics and some more details, because let's face it, I'm there primarily to make money.
So yes, I will be moving away for the summer, BUT it's only an hour and ahalf away... so EVERYONE has to come up there and visit me... just think, you can come drink in the lounge/tavern while I play beautiful or fun music... and then in the morning, you can soothe your hangover over brunch with tender piano music gently carressing your aching ears!
OK! it's decided, I'm excited now.
Other things about today:
I finished my Viola composition. I made the changes and details requested by Sarah and by my prof, so it's good to go! now I just need to get it bound and we're set!
On that topic, yesterday I had great lessons in both composition and piano. my comp teacher said I have a flare for composing, and David told me I'm in 'good shape' for my jury.
Still to get done this wekeend are my two papers. The one for Analysis is the primary concern, as it's due date is more solid AND it is a more academically demanding paper. This one has me a little worried, but no, it will be good. I've devised, what I think to be, an exciting form to the paper which is creative enough to spice up the fact that it is a musical-analysis paper.
here we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but i'll misssss you!!!
And i only lived 2 hours away, and you guys never visited.
And then what happens if i go home, and then we're 3 and a half hours apart?
I suppose there is always internet. At least, if i go home, we have satellite internet now.
I guess this job is better than the factory. Hell, it's even up your career alley. I'd be a bad friend to tell you not to do it.



I'm gonna miss having you around, Mikey J.