Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I believe many people enjoyed yesterday's post about the pie-adventure.
I believe that there is enough interest to perhaps plan some sort of mass pieing event this summer... let me know what you all think.. and if you would be interested...!

Now on to today's events. I wrote my 20'th Century exam this morning. I feel that it went reasonably well, and I'm not worried about the outcome. I'm glad it's over so that I can move on to the other things I still have to do. At the same time, this exam marks a big event in the time at U of M Faculty of Music. This was the last course which the majority of people are required to take. Next year there are no more large classes that we will all have in common. Specialization and separation are kicked into motion hardcore. I think it's a good thing, and I'm excited to concentrate on the things that are more specific to me.
All in all, I enjoyed this course, the prof was really good, and presented the info in an excellent way, where you actually felt you were learning things along with the projected plan! And I leared so much about, and how to appreciate new music.

So yes, the current state of affairs is: 1 exam down; 2 papers, a composition, and a jury to go!


Anonymous said...

mass pieing?!?! I'm sooooo there!!

Michael Park said...

I am most impressed by this magical quote generator....most impressed indeed...
good play on the defense tactic with the ol' development tool...

Michael Park said...

Pandora project, looks interesting... I'll go back when I have more time.

And Jenn totally is that toy!! It encourages you to use your brain, yet sounds slightly dirty... through a delightful play on words!