Sunday, February 25, 2007

I'm Hardcore!

I put in an 8 hour day of pianoing today.
4 hours of playing for Musical Theatre and then at least 4 hours of actual practice, maybe more.
I spent most of that time on Bach, a little working on a saxophone piece I'm accompanying. Except for the opening movement and the last 2 movements which I didn't get to today, I'd say the rest is pretty much ready to perform. Up to tempo and memorized. The first movement is over half memorized and almost up to tempo. I made some pretty substantial strides in that one tonight.
I swore a lot tonight. The people practicing around me were actually scared because I was so vehement in my angry swearing... I think I need some Valium to induce chilling out...
Tomorrow, the craziness starts.. for example tomorrow here's the schedule:
10-12 am accompanying a visiting Dance Choreographer... probably a modern class, but I don't really know what to expect.
12:30-1pm quick rehearsal for singer I'm accompanying at....
1:30 pm I'm not sure which song.
3pm accompanying a different singer at the same location, French song
5-6:30 pm Ballet class.
Evening - I need to find the motivation to practice. I slacked enough this weekend already, I can't afford to take any evenings off.
Luckily, even though the day is pretty full, the middle stuff doesn't really involve a lot of playing.. the individual songs are only 5 minutes...actually less. it's just a pain that I have to make the whole time available.. because I don't know where in the timeframe they actually perform.
The dance related stuff.. ya, I'll play for the entire time... so I guess I will have about 4 hours of playing in total for the whole day anyway...

My goal for this week... to not get stressed beyond reason.

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