Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Last night my friend Diane and I had a party...
well not a party..
we marked theory assignments at the school on the couches until 2:30 am!
Not so much fun... and it was pressing because theory midterms are on friday, so they needed to get back to students today if they were going to learn anything from the countless mistakes that they make!
I made it to a flute recital last night of one of my friends last night, wonderful!
Anyway, It's almost reading week.. which doesn't mean relaxing, but excitement...
Tomorrow is a busy busy and important day!
No Piano Lesson due to teacher's other obligations
Piano Ped-I'm teaching an inclass student
Cantata- First rehearsal of "Baking with Momma"
AfterCantata - Recording the other choral piece

that reminds me of things I have to do today, I need to:
Burn a midi copy of the cookie song to help with learning
print off copies of the other choral song with the piano part written in.
Practice/look at the piece I'm teaching tomorrow

Happiness is not having to be at school at 9am tomorrow

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