Saturday, February 17, 2007

reading week is coming to an end quite quickly.. and I barely practiced...
I was in toronto this weekend for a Diabetes Youth Advocacy Convention, I got to TO a few hours early, so I wandered and found a practice room at U of T for all of 58 minutes of practicing ish. I was actually quite productive, only working on the most difficult sections. Luckily, the difficult passages are hard enough that I have to watch my hands rather than the sheet music.. so they're already memorized ish.
Anyway, the conference:
In reaction to the UN passing a resolution on Diabetes (recogognizing that access to supplies for diabetes should be considered a basic human right) the CDA is supporting a movement of Diabetes advocacy. We had a great day today gathering together and, in the end, identifying the 3 key difficulties and issues for canadian youth living with diabetics.
The issues are:

Funding - currently diabetic supplies are not regulated in how they are funded in different provinces. While manitoba covers the basics and then some, some provinces like Sask and NewFoundland don't cover them at all, leaving many diabetics with thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expense just to live.

Access - Access to the basic supplies, endocrinologists and networking and social resources is also widely variable among provinces. One of the advocates lives in Regina, and she has to travel all the way to Edmonton just to see a Diabetic Specialist that is willing to treat a patient on an insulin pump.

and the one I feel the most strongly about:
Education - From every level! There is so much information out there currently about diabetes, yet the majority of the population remains ignorant as to the requirements, needs and problems faced by the youth of Canada with diabetes today.

With the United Nations recognizing these key areas as basic human rights, Canada needs to step up and be the leader in health that it traditionally has been in regards to diabetes.
Anyway, I've been filled with inspiring talk all day by motivational speakers, but yaI just wanted to say some stuff there...

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