Saturday, March 17, 2007

i phoned some people today to tell them about my recital.... and I ended up talking to 2 people for over half an hour each.... but good talks
The second talk was quite refreshing, being with someone who has been in the same situation before. It made me realize that I'm spending too much time focusing on the technical perfection of my pieces. While playing more accurately might please some people, I'm not sure that it will speak to the audience as much as if I thought of the pieces as a whole. Basically I'm in a catch 22, because I want a good mark, but I'm not sure how my mark will reflect that balance.
Anyway, I'll keep working on the technical elements that are nasty, but I need to revolutionize the way I play/feel/think about the Beethoven. And I need just plain ol more passion in the Liszt. I need to practice the contrast between strict technical practice, and then throwing it all away to just play the music that is hiding behind those notes. What a dichotomy.
I guess I'm on the horns of a dilemma and I don't think I can choose either one wholeheartedly, and I won't be able to sufficiently satisfy both options.

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