Sunday, March 04, 2007

Musical theater day was a little much today, not that I completely dislike it, but I just wasn't in a very musical theater headspace today.
I came home and was super productive, I cleaned the kitchen which had become quite grodey since a certain sister and brother in law came in town... (and yes, i know you are probably reading this!!!), tisk tisk.
I also changed some light bulbs which I had just been living without for the past 2 weeks.
Then I went outside and attempted to use the snowblower.... it took a while to figure out how to start it and then the general controls, but I managed! Anyway, even the power of such a mechanical shitbox couldn't handle some of the snow that I had let build up over the past week or so. I really don't think I was using it right because it still involved a large amount of effort on my part, I thought I was just supposed to press a button and then all the snow would disappear.
Actually, I make it sound like I'm stupider than I really am(not to lessen my stupidity).
I only realized at the very end that you could and should use both the garbler-ma-jiggy train as well as the drive train... I had been running the garbler-ma-jiggy and actually pushing the snowblower-thus creating much more work for myself.

Anyway, I have a headache now from the smell of gas that is lingering around. Tonight is practicing, but I can't decide if I should go to the school or not. The Gills are out and about, but I'm not sure how late in the evening, but I probably won't be willing to go out to the school if I wait late enough to have been somewhat productive and then get interrupted when they get back.. so I've just decided that I will go to the school.

And we're off!

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