Thursday, March 22, 2007

I promised I would write a non-practice based entry... so I'll do that one in a few minutes....

Tonight was my dress rehearsal!!
Guess who showed up? Big Fat No-One! Except for my dancer who stayed for the whole thing, and my teacher showed up nearing the end of the Bach. Also note that my Bach was amazing up to about the point I heard the upstairs door open.... I didn't look but I just knew it was my teacher....

It shouldn't be like that, but I'm much more nervous playing for just my teacher than I am playing for an audience. So that doesn't worry me. It was really good though, and I was happy with the way the Bach went. Beethoven wasn't so hot... I mean it was good, but I was not really into it. It wasn't that it was messy, it was pretty clean, but the first 2 movements were unsure. I'd worked on them, but they seemed unfamiliar to me again... yuck! The Liszt was pretty good, I'll always want it to be cleaner, but that's just because it's before my recital. Last year it worked well to work hard up to about 30 minutes before my actual recital.. At that point, I just accepted whatever point I was at in preparation and knew that that was what I had to work with.
That's what I will do on Saturday. But tomorrow is work my ass off day. I will make everything spectacular so that I just have to brush it up during the day on Saturday and then perform my little ass off! (Yes, I realize it is certainly not little)

My teacher heard and saw the dance tonight for the first time. It was the first time he's heard me improvise. He commented that it was really quite beautiful and when I asked about how the communication aspect came across, he said it was very effective. I'm not sure whether or not he's holding back simply because it's only 2 days away and theres really nothing he can do either way.... but I officially don't care! Claire and I are happy with the way things went and we're excited about Saturday.

Now I'm done talking about practicing. See above for non-practice related post.

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